Does God Trust the Born Again Believers Flesh?

When we repent and receive the Lord Jesus Christ equally our Savior, some wonderful things happen to the states. We are forgiven of all our sins and delivered from God'south condemnation and eternal penalty. As a event, for the first fourth dimension in our lives nosotros accept untold happiness and peace. Nosotros can't help just honey the Lord Jesus who died for united states of america on the cross.
Forgiven, delivered, and born over again
Beingness forgiven past God and delivered from eternal punishment are truly wonderful, even so there'south even more. Mayhap the about amazing thing that happens to us when nosotros believe in the Lord Jesus is that nosotros're born again, orregenerated.
What exercise the wordsbuilt-in once more mean? Some think it's a figure of speech communication, like the sayingturn over a new foliage, meaning you resolve to exist a better person. Only information technology'south more profound than that. According to the Bible, beingborn again isn't a metaphor for having a new beginning. It'due south an bodily spiritual nascency: nosotros are reborn with the life of God.
Why exercise we need to be built-in once more?
Since our sins are forgiven, isn't that enough? Why do nosotros demand to exist born again?
We were born with the physical, human life, which nosotros received from our parents.Merely God wants usa to have His divine life in add-on to our man life. We are reborn with the divine life of God by assertive in Christ.
Regardless of whether nosotros're a expert person living the about moral life, quite the opposite, or somewhere in between, every one of the states needs to bereborn spiritually to accept the divine life of God.
In John 3:3 the Lord Jesus makes it clear that we all must be born again:
"Unless 1 is built-in anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
For His plan to be worked out, God wants u.s. to be people who are not just forgiven and cleansed, just besides who possess His divine life.
2 births
This is why God created us as vessels to contain Him. Specifically, He made us with a man spirit, the deepest function of our existence, which is able to contact, receive, and incorporate God.
The Lord Jesus said in John 3:6, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which isborn of the Spirit is spirit." "Built-in of the mankind" refers to our physical birth, and "built-in of the Spirit" refers to our spiritual nascency.
"The Spirit" is the Spirit of God, and "spirit" refers to our human spirit. When nosotros believe in Jesus Christ, our homo spirit is born of the Spirit with the divine life of God.
How can this exist possible?
God is holy and righteous. How tin can He requite His eternal, divine life to sinful human beings? Because of Christ's death on the cantankerous, God can forgive and thoroughly cleanse all who repent and believe in Him. Then the holy and righteous God tin come into our spirit and afford us with His life.
We need to realize that God's forgiving us, cleansing u.s.a., and delivering us from eternal penalty isso that we can have His eternal life.
To illustrate, let'southward say we want to pour delicious juice into a cup. Simply there's a problem—the cup is filthy. We start have to wash the loving cup; then we can fill it with juice.
Similarly, God wants to fill united states of america with Himself as the divine life, just kickoff we sinners need to exist cleansed with the blood of Jesus. Once we believe and are cleansed, the divine life can enter into u.s. with no obstacle.
A hymn by Charles Wesley beautifully speaks of what the Lord Jesus did for us so we could be born again. Here are a few lines:
"Mild He lays his glory by,
Born that man no more may die;
Born to raise the sons of earth;
Born to give them 2d nascence."
Beingness reborn makes us God's children
Just every bit being born of our parents physically makes us their kid, existence born of God spiritually makes us a child of God.
John 1:12-thirteen tells united states this fact:
"As many as received Him [Jesus Christ], to them He gave the authorisation to become children of God, to those who believe into His name, who werebegotten not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, butof God."
Isn't it amazing that we human beings tin have God'south divine life and be His children? What wonderful things happened to the states when nosotros were saved!
For all eternity nosotros'll thank the Lord Jesus for dying on the cantankerous for united states of america and so we could be forgiven and cleansed of our sins. We're so thankful nosotros're no longer nether God's condemnation, headed for eternal penalization. But we as well thank God that His salvation goes even further. We were born of the Spirit in our spirit! We take the life of God!
We can echo the apostle Peter'south praise to God in i Peter 1:iii:
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His not bad mercyhas regenerated united states unto a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
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