Easy Homemade Microwave Popcorn

 This Easy Homemade Microwave Popcorn makes the perfect healthy snack that is so much improve for you than the shop-bought kind!

Easy Homemade Microwave Popcorn - You won't believe how easy it is to make this healthy snack! | Feel Great in 8 - Healthy Real Food Recipes

Did you lot guys know that you tin can make homemade microwave popcorn?! It'due south and so much improve for you lot, improve tasting, and cheaper than store-bought microwave popcorn!

I fifty-fifty did the math – If you buy your materials and ingredients in bulk you tin can make 4 cups of popcorn for $0.37! 37 cents!! The merely things you need are brown paper bags and popcorn kernels. You can notice awesome prices for them on Amazon right here…

Brown Paper Bags – Every bit depression every bit $0.02 cents per bag!

Popcorn Kernels – As depression as $0.35 per 1/4 loving cup serving!

And so just follow this elementary "recipe" if you can actually call it that. 🙂

Easy Homemade Microwave Popcorn

  • ¼ cup popcorn kernels
  • 1 dark-brown paper purse
  • real butter, ocean common salt, or other seasonings
  1. Put ¼ loving cup popcorn kernels in the dark-brown paper luncheon sack.
  2. Fold downwardly the elevation of the sack a few times. Practice not staple or fifty-fifty record the purse. I promise, folding it over is all y'all need to do.
  3. Put the pocketbook in the microwave. I just stand mine up, just about of the time it ends up falling over, so I'one thousand sure it would be fine if y'all are short on infinite and just fix it on it's side.
  4. Offset the microwave on high and listen advisedly. Mine commonly takes around ii-3 minutes, but every microwave is unlike. Just listen and stop information technology when at that place is 2 or 3 seconds between each pop. Don't let information technology go too long, or it will burn.
  5. Enjoy! You can add a little melted butter and common salt or even a little spice. Over the next few weeks I'll too share some of our favorite toppings. The natural, existent-food possibilities are endless!

*Actual nutrition info may vary based on exact ingredients used. Discover complete nutrition info on MyFitnessPal as FG8 Homemade Microwave Popcorn. Butter or other toppings not included in diet info.

Serving size:4 cups {recipe makes one serving} Calories:122 Fiber:iv.8 Protein:3.8


Or, if you'd rather skip the microwave, you lot tin become an air popcorn popper for around $xx. I own and Dearest this Presto PopLite Hot Air Popper. I've had it for years and it is withal going potent. I dearest having it effectually as an choice too because my older kids tin can pop popcorn without any help.

Looking for more good for you real food recipes?

Healthy Homemade Kettle Corn
Pina Colada Popcorn
Sweet & Salty Roasted Chickpeas

Join the Feel Great in 8 Challenge!


Source: http://blog.feelgreatin8.com/easy-homemade-microwave-popcorn/

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