Can a Baby Travel Without a Passport Within the Us

travel with baby

Finally! I have been working on this guide for a year. This is all of the knowledge I've accumulated from traveling with Eula during the start twelvemonth of her life. Before her starting time birthday she'd been on over 40 flights and to at least ten countries. I lose exact count, to be honest. We've dealt with sickness on the road, jet lag, packing, blow outs, missed flights, yous proper noun information technology. And information technology's all been fine. Subsequently over a twelvemonth of traveling with a baby I can say with consummate honesty that information technology's totally worth it and totally achievable. Yes, it's harder. Of course it's freaking harder. Not having a baby vs. having a baby. You practice the math. Merely it'south non that hard. When it is difficult just remember, this too shall laissez passer. Have a relaxed, what happens happens attitude. No flight ever lasted forever, no crying spell either, no cold, no jet lag. If you're the sort of person that would become totally freaked or exhausted or just generally non savour yourself over a crappy nighttime's slumber or on the route inconvenience, then maybe it isn't the life for yous. But if yous're reading this, I'thou guessing you value travel, and in that case, it'southward worth it. Totally. Babies dear to watch the world get by, and ours was always happiest on the motion and meeting new people. Keep reading beneath for my tips & experiences, packing list, a list of favorite gear, and for photos of Eula'due south beginning year growing up on the route! Proceed in mind, what worked for us won't piece of work for anybody, merely this is what we did.

travel with baby

35 Tips for Travel with a Infant Under 1 Year Old

  1. Go the bassinet on long haul flights & an aisle seat at the front of the plane on shorter flights.

    This is number one for a reason, generally the bassinet part. You'll survive in any seat on a brusk flight, though an aisle is super preferable for getting up to walk or change the baby. On most international flights at that place are baby bassinets that fasten to the bulkheads. You often can't actually reserve or volume them. However, I e'er phone call in advance and put in a asking for one—they can notation that you requested information technology on your ticket. It doesn't hurt. The key is to show up early and beat the other babies! I'thou only kind of joking. They are often (depending on the airline) doled out on a kickoff come, get-go serve basis at the gate, and then information technology's essential to be early on for your flight so yous can exist at that place to nab information technology. I also research the layout of whatever plane I'chiliad flying and book the seats closest to the bassinet. Yous normally can't book the bodily seats considering they are set aside for people with babies, such as yourself! Nosotros have managed to get the bassinet on every long haul international flight (and there have been many). Show up early on, for real. And always call before to see if y'all tin reserve it or at least put in a request. And notation, the maximum weight allowance is usually between 20-xxx lbs. This is a neat comprehensive resource that covers policy by airline.

  2. When can baby safely travel?

    Dissimilar airlines have unlike policies. Some require an infant to be at least ii days old, others at least 2 weeks old. Doctors recommend yous look until your baby'due south allowed system is more adult before flying, unremarkably at least ane month, though virtually recommend anywhere between 3-6 months. Nosotros didn't fly with Eula until she was 4 months old, just we took car trips with her downward to Atlanta (a 2 hour drive) to visit Matt's parents before that. Information technology was nice cutting our teeth on those few road trips before flight. Our offset flying was domestic, and we took her up to NYC over the holidays. And it was great! Past 5 months old she went on her offset international flight, Atlanta to London, and by seven months old she made the fourteen  hour flying from Atlanta to Tokyo.

  3. Have as little babe gear every bit possible.

    See below for our minimalist babe travel essentials list. The lighter y'all travel, the easier your life. There's nothing more exhausting than hauling a bunch of junk you don't actually need around and unpacking & packing it up as well. Especially if y'all'll be doing things like catching trains or moving around much at all. Definitely recall about your mobility needs and pack accordingly—i.east. if you're going to ane destination and have a car door to door it's no big deal to stuff a giant suitcase (thought I would still say annoying to deal with unpacking/packing all the stuff!), but if you're going to be railroad train hopping around a land, that would be very hard. Below I cover both what'due south in our diaper purse + carry-on as well as what we pack in our suitcase for her. Babies really don't need equally much as we've been led to believe they do. They need diapers, dear, to consume, and a condom identify to sleep. I pack a few modern mom extras, but I attempt to proceed it elementary.

  4. Wear your baby.

    It'southward and then much easier than a stroller, I call back. You can move effectually hands, navigate stairs, and generally exist faster and more nimble. Plus infant loves to exist close to you! We plant she napped and slept great in the carrier as well, even on the go and at restaurants. To this day, we get her down for naps anywhere in the carrier. One of us just puts her on and walks/bounces when she'south sleepy, and she passes correct out. Won't work for anybody, but information technology'south worth a attempt considering it'southward magic in tight spaces like a aeroplane. We list our favorite carriers below in the gear listing.

  5. Pack light.

    This is slightly redundant, as I say to a higher place to non bring a lot of babe gear. But this is for the parents. The less the better. Always. I'll publish a separate post on packing calorie-free. But the primal, for me, is making sure every single habiliment item pairs with every other single one. I travel with one pair of shoes, two max. No outliers! And don't pack for "what if's". Y'all can buy most incidentals at your destination.

  6. Don't travel with a lifetime supply of diapers.

    Buy diapers and wipes at your destination. Travel with enough to become you to your destination and possibly a day or two after to get your bearings (figuring out where to buy infant diapers in Japan took us a moment of orientation!) We joke that Eula has gotten a global bout of the "diapers of the world".

  7. Breastfeed if you can.

    Information technology patently makes it easier because, hey, no extra gear! Exist willing to feed anywhere, don't be shy. I was actually worried about this when I was a new mom, similar the first calendar month. Merely trust me, you get over it. I don't use a embrace every bit it seems similar an unnecessary hassle for me and an annoyance to infant. I dress for breast feeding (read: easy access!), and it'south ever so discreet I don't feel uncomfortable. I've been everywhere from Morocco to Japan to France breastfeeding and never once encountered any animosity or awkward situations. I've breastfed outside Buddhist temple gates on the steps, on the beach, park benches, everywhere. Bonus, I get to set up an example for other would-exist moms that chest feeding is bang-up, natural, and normal. If for some reason you can't breastfeed or don't want to, don't worry. Air planes have allowances for breastmilk/formula/babe food, and they will warm it for you. If you lot can't breastfeed, I would strategically book places to stay that volition make warming easy, like AirBnBs or hotel rooms with little kitchens or great staff!

  8. Rent a auto with a carseat when you lot tin.

    You lot tin usually get a carseat with a rental auto. If you do need to travel with one (so far nosotros haven't needed to), go one that clips in every bit the seat on your stroller so you aren't stuck conveying around a carseat. See the gear listing below for our preference.

  9. Non renting a motorcar? Take the train.

    This is the safest mode of public transit. A lot of people in cities like London, Paris, and New York exercise not use carseats in cabs for short jaunts effectually town. I say this because I wondered and so much what the reality was and few people were willing to but spell it out for me. I don't encourage this, but I want moms to know the reality because I wanted to know. They take the subway or hop in the dorsum and concur the infant or article of clothing the baby in a infant carrier/sling. This is NOT recommended. That said, if you are going to do so against recommendations, wearing the baby and making sure that the seat belt is Not over the baby is critical. NEVER put a seat belt over a babe on you. If you are in an accident and the seat chugalug is over the baby'south back, your body can crush the babe. Again, this is Not recommended. At the end of the day, information technology's up to the laws of wherever you lot are and you. A auto seat or culling form of transportation is ever safest.

  10. Eat dinner early.

    We accept eaten everywhere from our favorite dives to Michelin star restaurants with baby in tow (though my preference for the latter style of dining is *definitely* to hire a sitter)—the key is go early. If your baby makes unfortunate, loud baby noises as babies do, there are less people to disturb and thus less mortification to be had. And if they're a little more mobile towards the cease of that last year, it gives them a piffling roaming room. Another tip, when a loftier chair isn't available and the babe is old plenty to sit upward, we accept been known to "strap" her to the chair using a baby carrier. When she was too small, nosotros simply wore her, held her in our lap, or put her in the stroller on the rare occasion we had one with united states of america. A lot of restaurants away are quite small, so a stroller isn't the all-time option in those tight places. If you tin can hit dinner right when your infant passes out for the dark, obviously that's ideal, just you lot tin can't e'er plan for that.

  11. Look into local baby sitter or nanny services for appointment nights or other babe free times.

    Some people may not exist comfy doing this, merely we were. In New York, Paris, Tokyo, and London (namely major cities) there are very reputable and well vetted nanny / sitter services. We have personally used them in New York and London. In cities where we know people, nosotros ask friends to connect united states of america with a sitter. For instance I'm headed to Morocco this weekend alone with Eula, and I do have to work while I'm there. To accomplish this, I had a friend help me notice a sitter. I'thousand doing the same while living in Kyoto for 2 weeks. If you lot don't accept friends where you're going and it isn't a major urban center, consider asking the AirBnB host or the hotel as they frequently know reputable people or agencies. Over again, who you leave your infant with is a matter of your own personal judgment and if you ever feel uncomfortable…don't do it!

  12. Know when to phone call it.

    Sometimes an activity or meal or whatever is just a Fail. Baby isn't happy, mom and dad aren't happy, shit hits the proverbial fan. Mayhap literally! Call information technology. Walk out. Go back to the hotel or AirBnB or what-have-you home away from home and live to die some other day.

  13. Priority Boarding, Security, and Customs: Apply them with dispensation!

    In almost all flight situations, people with pocket-size children are allowed to board priority. Get it! It really does make a difference beingness able to get your stuff in the overhead bins and settle in before the plane becomes a giant man traffic jam. Especially if you lot're traveling alone with babe. The same goes for security lines. Not always, just often times yous tin find a security agent who volition usher you lot to the front, to the priority line, or to a family unit line. For instance, in Marrakech Menara Airport (RAK) there's a family only passport control line, and in Barcelona there's a family unit security line consummate with little playpens to put babies in then they can't run manner! Score! Sometimes, even so, there isn't. Like in Paris Orly. Sad clown. Then take what you lot tin can get and e'er ask if in that location's a priority line and/or look for one.

  14. Protocol for going through security varies by airport

    Usually you volition need to take your babe out of the sling or stroller to walk through the metal detector, and commonly they will want y'all to plummet the stroller and put it on the belt. If you're flying alone, I recommend getting everything out yous demand to get out *before* you go far the security line. Stash your laptop nether the stroller, liquids in a ziplock, and that way y'all can just throw it in the tray and not be struggling to go information technology out while wrangling a infant *and* folding a stroller if you take 1. See below for my easy-one-hand-plummet stroller recommendation. In other situations they want someone to walk through with the baby, manus the infant off, so walk back through lonely. It helps to take a partner for this otherwise a security officer tin hold the baby.

  15.  Ask for a crib at the hotel or AirBNB.

    A lot of hotels and AirBnB'due south tin can provide a pack 'n play or proper crib. Ask! Don't lug 1 with you lot if you don't have to! If y'all practise have to, see our light weight recommendation below on the gear list. We honey it!

  16. Rain noise and other sounds on your telephone.

    Instead of carrying a racket machine (thumbs downwardly to extra gear!), since we both travel with a jail cell phone and a laptop, nosotros but utilize the RainyMood.Com or the RainyMood app on one of those four devices. If neither of you feel yous tin can cede ane of your devices to play the racket, consider a small iPad as that will help with the next tip too. This saved our freaking lives. Eula turned out to exist a light sleeper, and if it weren't for rain racket we wouldn't have been able to breathe in the aforementioned room she was sleeping in. Definitely download the app on your phone for times when you don't have an internet connexion. That's critical.

  17. Dave and Ava, Magic Fingers, Musical Easily: baby show app & baby games apps for phone or iPad.

    Some people are anti-screen entirely. I get that, and if you lot are, try those wonderful cardboard books that babe can't tear up. Nosotros certainly don't shove her in forepart of a TV or calculator every bit a bodyguard or every bit a recreational activeness for her, but when yous are stuck on an airplane or in a auto with a screaming babe, I personally have no problem playing her favorite plant nursery rhyme show on YouTube, "Dave and Ava". We telephone call it "the large guns". Bonus there's an app so we have information technology even when we have no internet like on flights or far flung destinations. She's loved "Dave and Ava" since she was a tiny babe, which surprised me, and she loves it notwithstanding, even later a twelvemonth quondam. When things are urgent and we're drastic, it always works to at-home her down and keep her occupied, well 98% of the time. First-class for the above scenarios or say a mad nuance we're-going-to-miss-our-flight-if-we-don't-bustle packing scenario where a screaming baby isn't tenable. Brand sure to download the app on your phone for when there's no cell service/wifi (i.eastward. on a airplane). It'southward expensive—like literally the most expensive app I've ever purchased at $24.99—simply it's been worth every heed saving penny.

  18. Trash tin be toys!

    Honestly, we didn't (and still don't really) travel with toys for Eula while she was nether a year old save a couple of lovies (stuffed animals). Nosotros quickly learned that a) she couldn't tell the difference betwixt an empty water bottle and a proper toy and b) she preferred the water bottle. Then nosotros would allow her play with sundry objects (water bottles were a big hit every bit well as any trash that makes a rustling noise like paper or plastic). This saved us carrying and buying a bunch of useless things she wouldn't take actually cared about.

  19. Babies demand passports too!

    Make sure y'all beginning the process well earlier your trip if you're going abroad as expediting can be expensive (and a fiddling stressful…no i likes to rush travel documents.) This is a practiced stride past stride resource.

  20. Even when flight with infant in arms, sometimes there's a fee.

    On a lot of domestic flights, an infant in lap flies complimentary, but on some airlines and on most international flights (in my experience) at that place is a small (relatively speaking) fee for the baby. Sometimes it's hard to pay this online, and so I commonly call and let them know I'll be traveling with an baby and pay the fee over the phone. For instance, to wing with her from Atlanta to Tokyo with Delta is virtually $200 merely there'south no (discernible) place to pay this when purchasing tickets online, so I merely telephone call when I'm done booking and add it on. You can also do information technology at the airport only that can be stressful…remember you accept to trounce all those other babies to the bassinet!

  21. Take travel insurance and know where to find the local doctor / emergency room at your destination.

    You never know when something small-scale or large might happen or when you lot might have a parent freak out and desire to come across a physician over essentially nix at all. From fevers to scary looking bug bites, we've definitely taken her to the hospital/physician while abroad at least twice. Our travel insurance (the kind your buy when you purchase your plane ticket) reimbursed us easily for the expenses.

  22. Blow outs. They happen.

    Bring extra clothes for everyone and an extra sling. And something to put soiled items in similar a trash bag. That is all.

  23. On that note…Do laundry while on the route.

    This is the key to packing calorie-free. Obviously if you lot're simply gone a week, this probably won't be an outcome, just any longer, and I recommend it. A lot of hotels have a laundry service and a lot of AirBnB'south have machines. Nosotros have used laundromats when we had to. You can get abroad with packing a lot, lot less if you do laundry! And I too recommend conveying some sort of spot removal cleaning type of affair. Crusade spots, they happen. I don't travel with a Tide stick or whatever, simply I probably should. I oftentimes end upward buying stain remover at the local shop. You can as well spot care for with vinegar and baking soda if y'all're chemical free.

  24. There are huge benefits to traveling with a baby under i!

    They tin't run around (this is major), they can't talk (which is both a approving and curse, from what I hear), they still sleep a lot, they are light weight & portable, and everyone loves them! Null will brand you friends around the earth like traveling with a infant.

  25. Baby jetlag is real, but yous can cope if you plan for it and mentally take it.

    The farther you go, ideally the longer yous should stay (if y'all can) so that you tin avoid over-scheduling and build in a few days to get over jet lag. When we took her to Tokyo information technology took at least 3 days for her to finish waking upwards, and I hateful Broad "It'south morning!" awake, in the middle of the night. It isn't something you lot tin fight—someone has to get up with her. All-time to accept turns. Information technology's merely par for the course. If you're a total planner y'all could start trying to alter their schedule before you go out, only eh, that's not our way. We but live through it and bask in the rewards of our suffering: seeing the world and showing it to our babe! Ultimately, I discover the infant recovers faster than we exercise because she's still in touch with her trunk. My biggest tip is to try, effort to keep the baby awake as long as possible in the evening, ideally until bedtime, and try to forbid naps to close to bedtime.

  26. Gate check strollers and car seats.

    You tin have these all the way to the gate and they will bank check them for you lot for free at said gate. Sometimes yous do need to go a tag for them when you drop your baggage, so brand certain the amanuensis gives yous one. And then if you're a stroller person, stroll correct upward. And if you lot're bringing a carseat, I highly recommend that be attached to that stroller! A two-in-one is the merely manner you won't end upwards miserably lugging it all over. We didn't travel with a stroller for virtually of the first year, preferring to just use a carrier.

  27. There are pros and cons to both hotels and AirBnB'due south/apartments.

    We tend to volume AirBnB'southward because it often gives u.s.a. access to a washer/dryer (clutch) and a kitchen (clutch if your baby is on solids or if you're not breastfeeding or if you're pumping). At the aforementioned time, most hotels can provide a baby bed (and housekeeping, hooray!) and many accept little fridges for milk storage and will happily heat bottles. At that place are likewise enough of handy travel warmers you lot could try, though I won't recommend any because I haven't tested them myself.

  28. Don't worry likewise much over the "nap schedule".

    Okay, this admittedly might not piece of work for everyone, but we have never had a "nap schedule" for Eula. She sleeps when she is tired wherever we are. That said, this is a guide for babies *under 1 year old*, now that she is older it is more hard for her to sleep in any quondam situation, though she's even so pretty adaptable. Under 1 she largely napped in the carrier on one of us or in a stroller. We never rushed back to the hotel for "nap time". I found letting her listen to her body and perhaps one of us stepping out to push her around or bounce her around to requite her that extra nudge to sleep meant she slept every bit needed, but we weren't tethered to her schedule. Information technology was our feel that she did slap-up on ours. You want to make sure babe sleeps during the day (2 60 minutes at least depending on your babe to prevent an over-tired baby— the worst of beasts to be avoided at all costs), but whether it'south a stroller in a café or a pack north' play at the hotel, it'south all the same to baby so long as she gets that expert block of sleep.

  29. Request an empty seat side by side to yous on the plane.

    When you're at ticketing for your flight if you lot are flying with infant in artillery (if you haven't purchased a separate seat for infant, which we don't intend to do until we have to!), ask if at that place are whatever empty seats on the flying and if you tin can exist seated next to them. If there are, chances are they'll be obliging. The extra space is a lovely little luxury to have, especially equally they get older and squirmier.

  30. Be smart and clean, but allow the germaphobia become the older they get.

    When she was tiny I was hyper-vigilant, using sanitizing wipes on everything. And I recollect when they are little and their immune system is developing, it's not the worst idea to wipe down the tray table, arm balance, and other hard surfaces that nasty stuff could live on. That said, the older and tougher (haha) she gets, the less I stress about it. When she started crawling, I let her crawl on the floor and would wipe her hands off afterward. But nosotros tin't put our babies in bubbles, and the truth is that if you're make clean only not maniacal about it, it'south going to ultimately build their immune system. And so as she got older, I got less neurotic, and that seemed to work fine. My married man, yet, would definitely prefer she not crawl on the floor! And then nosotros are balanced in that manner, he protecting her from germs and me shrugging and existence like "Eh! Practiced for the immune system!"

  31. You can change a diaper anywhere.

    Okay, while it'southward non ideal, I accept changed diapers in the seat next to me, on the tray tabular array, on the flooring, on the ground. Whatever. When you're on the move, just become done what you need to become done. We bear a light weight, compact picayune blanket (information technology'south a swaddling coating by Solly—they fold up really small) exclusively for irresolute every bit opposed to a bulky mat. Information technology puts something betwixt her and the surroundings (and the poor surroundings and her!) without taking up a lot of room in our bear-on/diaper pocketbook.

  32. Babies don't need a ton of baths, and sinks & buckets work fine.

    Nosotros didn't obsess about bathing our baby nightly. Babies, when they aren't walking, don't actually go that dirty. We found and then long as she was thoroughly wiped downwards, she was fine. So there was no transporting a baby tub or stressing about bath time. If we had a tub, great. If we didn't, the sink ever worked fine for when she did need a bath. The older she got, the more than oft she needed to be bathed every bit she explored the environment, just still at 13 months nosotros bathe her a couple times a calendar week at nearly. Mutual sense would dictate if baby is stinky or visibly dirty…mayhap a bathroom is in lodge! Otherwise, no worries.

  33. Easy flights are worth spending a little more on if you tin can beget to.

    I won't lie, when it comes to long haul trips (similar Atlanta to Tokyo), I much prefer one and done flights. Yes, information technology's 14 hours, but if y'all time it right the baby will sleep on the flight (do fourth dimension information technology right for baby's "night time"!), and it's really quite doable. They tin go insanely expensive, and then book well in advance. And while y'all're at it, if you tin afford to, wing business or kickoff class! I tin can't…but I would if I could! Haha. Either way, try to minimize connections and the length of the journey itself.

  34. Move effectually less.

    When we traveled without a babe information technology was two days hither, a night there, iii days hither, and so on. Now we pick a place that we know we honey or will love, 1 that maybe has a few solar day trips in the vicinity, and just park ourselves at that place. Instead of hopping all over Japan, we're posting up in Kyoto at an AirBnb for two weeks. I notice that makes for a much more relaxed trip when you lot just really soak up a destination instead of trying to cram information technology all in. That said, if in that location was something we were dying to do or see, we'd striking the road and see it!

  35. Introducing food at 6 months on the road, a flake of our feel.

    Eula actually clocked in 6 months old in Morocco, and we waited to let her try solids until Paris merely because we didn't want to take whatsoever chances with food built-in illness. At present at thirteen months, I happily allow her nibble off of my street food here (I'g writing this from my friend Emma's flat in Marrakech!) One time we did innovate nutrient, nosotros allow her try things at her own stride and we really allow local norms guide us. If local children ate it, we let her consume it. I still avoid giving her raw foods (similar salad) in countries where the water isn't very clean considering not only is the nutrient not cooked to kill bacteria, it's done in the h2o. That said, I make an exception for fruit with skins and things that can be peeled.

    travel with babyMinimalist Babe Packing Listing

The Diaper Bag + Bear On Packing List

  1. Diapers
  2. Wipes
  3. Infant Carrier – see the gear list below for faves
  4. Extra Dress – for everyone, mom & dad include — babies accident out, plenty said (this was a bigger trouble 4-7 months, afterwards which it pretty much stopped)
  5. Extra Sling – we use a more than structured carrier but carry a fabric sling like a Solly Wrap as a back up (in case of blow out emergency) because it'southward compact.
  6. "Toys" – something agreeable for baby, we unremarkably carried a *very* few items that we knew would amuse her and used found objects as the rest (can't get away with pretending trash is a toy forever, then might as well while you lot tin can!)
  7. Blanket – handy to cover them upward when sleeping on long haul flights or to give them a spot to sit on the floor (I don't recommend a sleep sack for this considering information technology can be tricky to get them in it once asleep on a aeroplane)
  8. Snacks – For older babies that accept started solids. Fruit, yogurt, bars, all good. I never thought I'd be a pouch carrying mom, but the organic nutrient pouches that have nothing in them only actual food and a chip off h2o are amazing for travel. And if they are over the 100 mL limit, security usually makes an exception for babe food. I love the brand Smowl, but I don't know if y'all can go it in the states. You can probably order them online. They make baby smoothies in pouches with coconut milk, quinoa, fruit. She loves them.
  9. Pacifier & pacifier clip + back upwards
  10. Aught locks bags / trash bag – for muddy diapers and soiled clothing
  11. Dedicated Changing Blanket –nosotros like the Solly swaddling blankets for this as they fold up really compact though something fluffier would probably exist more comfortable/absorbant.
  12. Hand Sanitizer/Disinfecting Wipes –I like the ones that smell like lavender! Just anything will practice.
  13. Stroller – optional We didn't frequently take one when she was small but we use it more than the older she gets. My recommendation is below on the gear list.
  14. Carseat – optional – I would simply bring this if I had to, and so far I haven't had to, then I've never travelled with one. When she is older and in her own seat, we might. Whatever yous practise, brand certain your carseat clips into your stroller. The last matter you lot want to exercise is haul a carseat around by paw. Merely no. At that place are many adapters bachelor that make many carseat/stroller combos compatible.

For the Suitcase  – We prefer Abroad Bags!

  1. baby condom sunscreen (if going to a sunny destination)
  2. small mitt breast pump (for nights out!)
  3. a couple of glass bottles for storing and serving milk
  4. olfactory organ aspirator (babies are nose breathers!)
  5. bed of some sort
  6. medical supplies – bandaids, thermometer, diaper cream, Tylenol for fever if you apply information technology, cornstarch (instead of baby powder)
  7. babe clothes (jammies, outfits, bonnets, bibs, shoes, sweaters & jackets if common cold)
  8. sleep sack or swaddler (ours never liked to be swaddled so a sleep sack keeps her from kicking blankets off and is safer for little babies)
  9. a few days worth of diapers & wipes
  10. extra blankets

My Favorite Gear

  1. Lenny Lamb – (nosotros used up until about 8 months)
  2. Ergo Baby 360° (used 8 months+)
  3. Solly Wrap (used outset 3 months and as support)
  4. Solly Swaddle blanket (used as irresolute blanket)
  5. Fog Linen, Ellie Funday, and Willaby Clothier blankets – we travel with these 3
  6. Natural Pacifiers
  7. Wild Creek Co Pacifier Clip
  8. BabyZen YoYo 0+ Stroller – This is my absolute favorite stroller for travel. Information technology folds upward compact enough to fit in an overhead bin (though you tin can gate check it if you like), has a sizeable undercarriage, and is and then easy to fold up and popular out (for a stroller anyway). Tin can't recommend highly enough. You can use it from infancy with the bassinet zipper and switch to the seat once they're big enough). It likewise can adapt to many carseats, and has wonderful accessories for dissimilar conditions conditions like rain, cold, and sun. You may notice she's in a Stokke Xplory in the photos, and that'due south because we use information technology around boondocks sometimes. But the BabyZen YoYo is it for travel.
  9. Nuna Pipa Carseat – this clips to the BabyZen YoYo but y'all need to go the adapters here
  10. Philips Avent Drinking glass Baby Bottles – we traveled with ii-3 of these so I would have something to store and serve milk in when I pumped for nights or lunches out when we had a sitter or during long work days
  11. Medela Harmony Breast Pump – compact, great. I loved this.
  12. NoseFrida – a lifesaver when baby has a stuffy olfactory organ!
  13. KidCo Peapod Tent – this has been her travel bed since she was 4 months sometime. Information technology is amazing, and I tin't recommend it highly enough. And so light weight and compact. And then much easier than lugging around a pack n' play. Plus you lot tin popular it at the drome, beach, anywhere! It's merely a great little baby tent.
  14. Abroad Suitcases – the best. Choose the size that best suits your needs. At present that we have the baby and because of my piece of work gear we usually travel with 2 carry-ons or 1 acquit-on and the medium sized one. In improver to that nosotros have 2 camera/laptop backpacks and my handbag/diaper pocketbook.
  15. Jet Kids Bed Box – okay, I don't have this. And I didn't need it because nosotros don't purchase a seat for her yet. Just when we do, I'm definitely going to get this. Information technology's a suitcase that turns into a freaking bed on a airplane for a babe. I tin can't say 100% if information technology's awesome considering I haven't tried it, merely it *sounds* crawly and certainly looks to exist.
  16. In the Pocket Baby Seat – I've also never tried this but someone recommended it in the comments and it looks cracking! Thanks Camilla!

First flight was to New York…having breakfast at Reynards.

Mom may have gone shopping for her in NYC.

travel with baby

First country abroad: Eula in London.

travel with baby

travel with baby

Breastfeeding in a Paris café.

travel with baby

travel with baby

travel with baby

Eula discovers Morocco.

travel with baby

travel with baby

More than rooms in France.

travel with baby

travel with baby

travel with baby

travel with baby

Her kickoff trip to the beach, on Taketomi in Okinawa, Japan.

travel with baby

But another solar day on the go.

travel with baby

travel with baby

Kawaii! Japanese ladies loved her.

travel with baby

travel with baby

Away luggage. The all-time.

travel with baby

Crawling at the Sun Suppers studio in NYC.

travel with baby

And hanging out with her handsome father.

travel with baby

Breakfast time at Okonomi in Brooklyn.

travel with baby

travel with baby

All grown upwards in pig tails at the Wythe Hotel.

travel with baby

La Dolce Vita! Ciao!


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